Multi-Manager vs Tiger Cub

Trying to decide between joining a large multi-manager vs tiger cub? Both can provide great career paths and both can help you get rich, but the two models have very different cultures and very different investment styles.  These are rough generalizations, but are mostly accurate:

Tiger Cub:

  • Stability
  • Lower Comp
  • Value oriented, lower turnover
  • Good education
  • No portable track record
  • Medium pressure

Multi- Manager:

  • Lower job security
  • Higher comp
  • High turnover
  • Good education
  • Portable track record
  • High pressure

The Tiger philosophy is to buy good companies and to sell bad companies vs. the multi- manager, which will buy and sell any type of company.  Both investment styles are targeting above average returns, but the Tiger strategy has lower turnover.  For example, both investment styles may target 20% return but will get there in different ways. The Tiger philosophy will buy a stock and hold it for 12 months and earn 20%, but the multi- manager may buy a stock, make 5% in 3 months, sell it and then do it 3 more times to get to the same 20%.

A multi- manager has lower job security because there is higher staff turnover. There is no tolerance for losing money because the multi-managers use a lot of leverage.  The multi- managers also have many portfolio managers so losing one is not crucial to the firm, but the Tiger cubs.